Import & Export - Members and other users

This article is for groups that are importing typical users. If you are importing users to a children's choir and have the "parents" module enabled, please refer to the guide on importing and exporting children and parents.

Roles: Site admin

Click a title below to jump to that section


Importing several users at once

Go to the Import & Export page

Setting & Admin > Import & Export


Search the menu for "import" or "export"

Select what kind of information you would like to import

In this case, we'll be importing users, so we'll click the import link in the Users row.

Review the available field names and upload your csv

Required fields include: Login name, Email, First name and Last name.  You do not have to worry about the titles matching exactly. You can manually link up columns in the next step (called mapping fields)

To upload your csv, click "choose file", select a file on your computer, and then click the "proceed to file test" button.

Not sure what a csv is? Click here to read about them.


File test and manage field mapping

You should see at least a few fields mapped on the next page, showing the first ten entires of your csv so that you can verify the site is reading the csv correctly. You MUST have the Login name, Email, First name and Last name headings in the mapped fields, or none of your entries will import.

IMPORTANT: Do not map the USER ID field unless you have exported the user list from the site.  The system uses user ID's to match accounts. if your User IDs are different from the system generated ones, and you override the existing user IDs, your accounts will swap information. When in doubt, just remove the User Id column and do not use it.

Need to map more fields? Or check fields that were already mapped?

Expand the "Manage mappings from csv to import" heading. You will see a list of the available titles, with a drop down that lists all of the headings in your csv that have not already been mapped. You can now mix and match the data as appropriate.  When you're finished, click "adjust mappings".  If you wish to reset it to its defaults (what was automatically mapped), then click "reset mappings".

Click the heading "field that are already mapped" at the bottom of the list to view the fields that have already been mapped.

Continue checking the file test at the bottom of the page until you are satisfied with your import, and then click the "proceed with import button".


Importing rows

Once you click "proceed with import" your file will be imported in batches. if you have a lot of users (upwards of 1000) this may take a few minutes.

Once the upload has completed, you will see a report noting how many rows there were in total, the number of records created,  how many were updated, and if there were any errors.

If your import had zero errors, congratulations! You can now navigate back to the members page to see your new users!

Did you end up with some errors?

No worries, there should be a file you can download that will let you see the error for each row. The most common errors are missing required fields (noted above in the section "Review the available field names and upload your csv"), and incorrect email formatting.

You can edit the error file directly, save it, and re-upload only the entries that had errors.

If you choose to upload the entire file again, entries that already exist in the system will not be overwritten, but they will be updated.


Once your members are imported, remember to invite them to login!
Adding members to the system this way does not automatically invite them to login, it just creates an account for them. Once you're ready for them to login, be sure to send them a login invitation email.



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Exporting Users

From the Import & Export page

On the Import & Export page, click the "export" link across from users (over on the right hand side).

This will export all users in the system and their data into a csv file.


From the Members page

Both site admins and members can export a list of users from the members page using the "Printable roster" button.

Navigate to "Members" in the main menu. On the far top right, click the link "Printable roster". This will open a pdf of all members, including their contact information, which can then be printed.

At this time, the printable roster is not filterable and only includes active users (no blocked users).


Want to export a select list of users?

On the Members page, select your users by clicking on the row to highlight them. Click the "actions" button and select "export to selected to CSV". If asked, choose to save the file. The file will download to your downloads folder, where you can open it.


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keywords: user, users, import, export, member, members, csv, spreadsheet