SMS Text Notifications

Need to send a quick text message notification to your members? Try SMS notification messaging. This message is a "beta" feature and is still being tested.

Important Note:
Choir Genius does not charge for text messaging, but you will need to sign up with EZTexting service in order to send text messages, and there is a fee per text message sent.


This is only available for customers in the US and Canada at this time.

Enable the feature

Navigate to: Settings & admin > Enable / Disable Features

Scroll to the beta features section, and checkmark the box to enable SMS Messaging


Sign up for an EZTexting account

Go to this address and sign up for an account:

Choose the package that makes the most sense for your group.


Connect your account

On your choir genius site, navigate to:
Settings & admin > site settings > SMS Setup

Enter you EZTexting username and password.

Also, you can edit the "subject" of your text so that your recipients know what site the message is from. The longest your subject can be is 12 characters.


Send a Message

Navigate to the Members page.

Select the users you wish to message by clicking on their row. It will highlight yellow when selected.  You can also use the "select all" button. Click a highlight row to de-select it. You can also use the "deselect all" button.

Click the "actions" button, and select "Send SMS Message".

A dialogue box will open where you can type your message. It can only be 120 characters. The text area will not accept more than 120 characters.

Press "submit". A green loading bar will process as your message sends.


Your users will receive a text message that will look something like this:


Please note that users cannot reply to this text message.