Music Dashboard
The Music dashboard is the place where music admins can catch up on music related info The dashboard is customizable by site admins, allowing you to choose what appears and where it is placed.
Please note, the music dashboard that you configure is visible only to music admins, the director, and site admins - there is only one layout for everyone.
To configure the dashboard, click on the "Customize dashboard" link
It's right below the "Music dashboard" title. It is not available on mobile devices.
This will open an area with various block options. You can then drag and drop those blocks into the two content areas of the dashboard. If you wish to remove a block from the dashboard, grab it by the title and drag it back into the block box at the top of the screen. Click the "Done" button to save your changes.
These "smart" blocks will automatically fill with the most recent content as you begin to use the site.
Any custom blocks you create will also appear as options for the dashboard.
The dashboard is not a region, so in order to configure any blocks on the dashboard, it must be done using the "customize dashboard" link, and not through the "blocks" page. This note is more for our Public Site users who may be used to working with blocks through the "blocks" page. :)