Add sheet music and learning tracks to a song

When you first add a piece of music to the system, you may not have attached any files. Here's a step-by-step review of how to add files to a piece of music.

Note: Want to attach files faster? Bulk upload files


Select the song

Go to the music library and click the title of the song you wish to edit. Choose the “Edit” tab when viewing the song.


Expand the "Attachments" heading

Scroll down the edit page of the song until you reach the "attachment" heading. Click to expand it.

Then, to upload music files, select the "Choose File" button for either files (such as sheet music) or learning tracks (usually mp3s). This will open a window on your computer where you can search your folders and select a file. The file name will appear in the field area on you'd selected it. Then click the "upload" button.


The file will then be listed. If uploading multiple files, you can change the order by dragging and dropping the files within the list using the cross-arrow icon to the left of the file name. You can also rename the files using the "description" field.


When you’re done, make sure you scroll to the bottom of the page and click the save button

The file will then be listed. If it's an mp3, it will have a small play button next to it that can be used to play the file in the browser. Clicking the file name will download it.


keywords: file attach, upload music, sheet music, charts, learning tracks, tapes, files