Bulk upload several files at once, or upload one really large file
How to: Upload files using the file attach option
Have you seen this as an option when attaching files?
But if you click on it, it often appears empty...
So how can you attach files using this method?
Navigate to the files area (elfinder).
This is located under: Settings & Admin > files,
You can also follow the instructions here.
Open the folder labelled "file_attach" and drag and drop the files you wish to upload into that area.
They will take a moment to upload, and then they will appear in the folder.
Navigate to the content type with which you want to associate the files.
The most common type to do this with is music files and learning tracks for Music content. Select "file attach".
Now, the files you placed in that folder should appear as options.
Select the one you want, and then click "attach".
You can then attach another file, or move on to another piece of content, just remember to click save.
Once a file in the file attach folder has been attached to a piece on content, it will be moved to the appropriate location in the file system, and will no longer appear in file_attach.
key words: bulk upload, mass upload, upload files, multiple file upload, FTP