Editing and deleting a document / book page

Editing a document / book page

Navigate to the documents page (under "more" or for admins, it's also under the "communications area")

Click and navigate to the page you wish to edit. Then click the "edit" tab.


Need to remove a document or a book page?

All you need to do is navigate to the page you'd like to remove, and click the edit tab.

Then, scroll to the bottom and click the "delete" button.

If you're deleting a book with child pages inside of it, it will warn you, and let you know that they'll be automatically reassigned to another book, and confirm that you wish to perform this action.

If you're deleting a book page , it will ask you to confirm it as well.

Click delete, and a confirmation message will appear. Or, you can click "cancel" to cancel the action.


If you delete a book with child pages
This will not delete the child pages - it will instead leave them "bookless", so they won't display on the documents page, but they'll remain as content within the site, and appear on the content page for site admins.