Rearrange menu items

So you want to re-organize your members only menu - you need to be a Site Admin to do this.


Re-ordering your main menu items

  1. In the main menu on the left hand side, go to:  settings and admin > site settings > menus
  2. Click on the "list links" option for "Groupanizer Menu"
    • You will see a list of all main menu items both enabled and disabled
  3. Using the "handles" to the left of each menu item (they look like little cross-arrows), drag the items into the order you prefer
  4. Click save

Creating secondary menu items (drop-down items)

  1. To create a submenu item, drag the item under the main menu item and slightly to the right to force an indent
  2. Click save
  3. Go back to the main menu item (top-level) and click edit (to the right)
  4. Ensure that "Show as expanded" is selected
  5. Click save
    • This will allow the top-level item to have drop-down items


Enabling / Disabling menu items

You may want to temporarily disable or re-enable a menu item (perhaps something seasonal). To do so:

  1. Toggle the item to either enabled (checked) or disabled (unchecked)
  2. Click save


Deleting a menu item

Simply click the delete link (right side) and confirm.