Write a Member Blog post

Looking to post information to your members? Want the option of having it just within the site, or to email it out?

Here's how!


Go to the main MOBlog page:  Communicate > Member Blogs

Click the "+ Add Members Blog" link in the submenu on the right-hand side of your screen.

Fill in the information.


Title - Give your blog post a title. pick something short and to the point - although something catchy doesn't hurt, either!

Invited roles - select the role this blog is for. This triggers notifications about the blog being new, and displays the blog to the invited members in the "recent member blog posts" block if it's being used. Please note: Blogs are visible to all members on the "Member Blogs" page under "More" in the menu, regardless of who is invited.

Body - Write your post in the body area. You don't need to worry about editing the summary, but you can if you'd like to choose the shortened version of your blog post that appear in the available MOBlog block.  Be careful not to paste in images here - please use the image embed button to include images int he body text of your post.

Attachments - relevant attachments can be uploaded via this field from your computer.

Save button - Remember to save your changes.