Attach a Riser Placement to an Event

Riser placements can be linked to a event. These riser placements will display the attendance plans for the attendees of the event they're attached to.

Navigate to the event for which you'd like to create the riser placement and click the "add a riser placement button".
Note: You do not need to be on the edit page.

When the link appears for a new riser placement, click on it, to be taken to the riser placement for your selected song. Then click "edit".

Create your riser placement using the drag and drop interface.
Note: Red X's will appear on the attendees not planning on attending, and a grey question mark will appear for those who have not RSVPd yet.

If there is no symbol and the member's square appears normal, then that member plans to attend.


Remember to save your changes.


Things to know

Your riser placement for this event will be visible on the event node and also in the "Riser Placements" listing in the "more"

To view the riser placement, click the name. Click edit if you wish to make changes.