Bios and Ensembles

This article discusses bios and ensembles, which are public site only content types. They are not available with only a members website.



Bios are a public site content type used to highlight the achievements or roles or particular people.

Bios have a space for a name, email address, a date/date range, position or award field, a field for a photo (it's recommended to always include a photo), bio type selection, and a body text field. There is also an "order" field which can be used to change the order in which bios are displayed on the bio "view" page (see below).

Bio type select options include a few defaults: Board, hall of fame, and music team. See the section titled "adding, editing and deleting "taxonomy" terms" to learn how to edit these options.



Ensembles are a public site content type used to advertise smaller groups within your main site. This may include a smaller performing chorus, or a quartet, or soloist for hire.

Ensembles have space for a name, ensemble type selection, image and image information, if the group is for hire, and contact information. There are also larger body text fields for information about the group, awards and achievements, and a field to upload attachments. There is also an "order" field which can be used to change the order in which bios are displayed on the bio "view" page (see below).

Ensemble type select options include a few defaults: quartets and special ensembles. See the section titled "adding, editing and deleting "taxonomy" terms" to learn how to edit these options.



Adding, editing and deleting bios / ensembles

Using the search field in the main menu (on the left hand side of the screen) you can search for "bios" or "ensembles" to add a new entry. Or, go to: Settings & admin > add content > bios (or ensembles)

You can edit bios and ensembles by navigating to the specific bio/ensemble and clicking the "edit" tab. If you cannot find the the page, go to the "content" page and filter for type = bio or ensemble.

You can delete a bio or ensemble by clicking edit, scrolling to the bottom of the page, and clicking the delete button.

In some cases you may not want to delete the page, but simply hide it for the time being. You can do this by changing its status to "unpublished" (edit the content, scroll to the bottom and under publishing options, uncheck "published"). This will hide the piece of content from everyone except site admins. it weill only appear on the "content" page.


Adding, editing and deleting "taxonomy" terms 

Go to: Settings & admin > site settings > taxonomy.     This is where all vocabulary is stored within the site.  Click on "list terms" across from either bios, or ensembles.

This will display the terms already used. You can edit these terms, or add new ones.

Note: term descriptions are only visible on these edit pages. You do not need to fill them out.


Special "view" pages for bios and ensembles

Bios and ensembles have special pages, much like special "smart" blocks that display content of a certain type. These pages are not directly editable. The titles can be changed by changing the taxonomy terms - and the content displayed on the page can be edited by editing the relevqant bios and ensembes.

To access these view pages, you'll need to get the url for the bio/ensemble taxonomy terms.

  1. Navigate to the taxonomy page (settings & admin > site settings > taxonomy)
  2. List the terms for bio types
  3. Click edit next to the term for which you want to access the page
  4. note the url - it's will list something like .../taxonomy/term/102/....

This means the page for the term you selected will be    .../bios/102, or if it was an ensemble type term, .../ensembles/102

(note: the elipses are a stand in for the base url of your site. ex:

You can create menu items that link to theses pages if you wish to list your ensembles, soloists, board members, etc.