Webforms / Surveys for the public (Contact Us)

The main guide for creating webforms is available here.

Go through the guide to learn about creating your survey, adding questions, and setting up email. 


Okay, I've created my webform, now how do I make it public?

  1. Allow access to it (to view)
  2. Allow the public to respond to it  
  3. Create a menu link (optional)


Allow access to the webform

Navigate to the webform (communications area > webforms / surveys)

Click on the "edit" link across from the appropriate webform, or click on the webform title to view it.

Click on the "Access control" tab

Make sure that "anonymous" and "authenticated" are listed as allowed roles. This will allow the public (anonymous) and all logged in members (authenticated) to view this webform.


Allow responses to the webform

Navigate to the webform (communications area > webforms / surveys)

Click on the "components" link across from the appropriate webform. If viewing the individual webform (by clicking on the title), this would be the "webform" tab.

Click on the "form settings" subtab.

Scroll down the page to the heading "Submission settings" and make sure that both "anonymous" and "authenticated" are check marked.  This is typically selected automatically, but it ensures that anyone who can view your webform, can also submit responses.


Create a menu link

Adding a menu link to the main menu of your public site is the easiest way to make sure that your webform can be easily found by your site's visitors.

Click here to review how to add a menu link. Be sure to copy the URL of your webform as you'll need it later.

Or, if you want to add a hyperlink in a page, click here.