Assign music to view or learn

In order to populate the "my music" page, music must be assigned to user roles.

Music can be assigned in two ways:

  • Invite a role to view a song
  • Invite a role to learn a song


You can only choose one setting for each song. You can assign everyone to learn it, or everyone to view it. You cannot assign some roles to learn, and some roles to view.

Members do not have access to the "music area" - and therefore cannot access the "music library". 

How do I edit music assignment?

Admins can edit all music on the Music Library page  (in the music area).

They can edit individual songs by going to the edit page for the song, and scrolling to the bottom to the "music assignment" section. There they will have options to change the assignment method (off, view, or learn), which roles will be invited, and when or if notifications should be sent.

Mass changes can be made using the action menu. Go to your music library page and select the songs you wish to update (select them in groups of songs that would have the same settings) by clicking on the row (but avoid clicking on any words in the row. The row will highlight yellow. The "Actions" button will become active and clickable. First "edit the assignment mode" and follow the onscreen prompts. Then click the actions button again and select "edit invited roles" and follow the onscreen prompts. Notifications are not sent in this method of update. Please remember that these changes override any previous settings. You must select the overall settings you want for the songs you've selected. You cannot "add" an extra role - list all the roles that should have access to view or learn. Also, they must all learn, or all view. You cannot select some roles to learn, and some roles to view.

Invite a role to view a song

If you select this option, the song will appear on the user's "my music" page. They will be able to see the song title and information - including all attachments. No music learning records will be created.

Note:  A user can be invited using any role, but they will need to have a role that can access the files of the site. For example:  John Smith has the preset roles: Member, and has the custom role "Starlight ensemble". A song can be assigned to "Starlight ensemble" for learning or viewing, but it is his member role that allows him to access the uploaded files. This would also work if he has the "candidate" role. If John only had the "Starlight ensemble" role, he would see the song listed on his "My music" page, but he would not be able to access the learning tracks.
This is because files access it tied to the pre-set roles in the system and their permissions.

Invite a role to learn a song

If you select this option, the song will appear on the user's "my music" page. They will be able to see the song title and information - including all attachments.  It will also create a music learning record that they can manage to track their status. Permissions regarding what learning states they have access to are all controlled under the feature settings for music learning. Songs with music learning enabled will appear on the relevant music learning pages (Music learning summary, recording assessment) and the relevant blocks (my music to learn, etc).

Note:  A user can be invited using any role, but they will need to have a role that can access the files of the site. For example:  John Smith has the preset roles: Member, and has the custom role "Starlight ensemble". A song can be assigned to "Starlight ensemble" for learning or viewing, but it is his member role that allows him to access the uploaded files. This would also work if he has the "candidate" role. If John only had the "Starlight ensemble" role, he would see the song listed on his "My music" page, but he would not be able to access the learning tracks.
This is because files access it tied to the pre-set roles in the system and their permissions.


What if I don't assign a song to a role?

Then the song will only appear on the music library page on the "all music" tab - and it will only be visible to admins with access to that page (site admin, director, music team member, music admin).


How can I tell if a song has been set to be viewed by users?

On the music library page on the "assigned music" tab, there will be a small "eye" icon - this indicates the song is visible to those who are assigned to view it. In the column labelled "assignees" it will list the role that has been assigned to view the song.


How can I tell if a song has been set to be learnt by users?

On the music library page on the "assigned music" tab, there will be a coloured square by the song name. This indicates the song is visible to those assigned to learn it. In the column labelled "assignees" it will list the role that has been assigned to learn the song.


I need to update a bunch of music to assign it to various roles - what do I do?

Go to your music library page and select the songs you wish to update (select them in groups of songs that would have the same settings) by clicking on the row (but avoid clicking on any words in the row. The row will highlight yellow. The "Actions" button will become active and clickable. First "edit the assignment mode" and follow the onscreen prompts. Then click the actions button again and select "edit invited roles" and follow the onscreen prompts. Notifications are not sent in this method of update.

Again, please remember that these changes override any previous settings. You must select the overall settings you want for the songs you've selected. You cannot "add" an extra role - list all the roles that should have access to view or learn. Also, they must all learn, or all view. You cannot select some roles to learn, and some roles to view.


keywords: assign music, members view music, music learning, view song, learn song