Adding a Product Display

Items you want to display or sell in the store are called "Product displays". 


Adding a Product Display

Go to: Settings & Admin > Add content > Product display

Then fill in the following information:

  • a title
  • a brief description. This may be product or ticket information.
  • select a product type - what category does this product fit into? You can change the category options via "taxonomy"
  • create a sku - this needs to be a unique identifier. It is used internally.
  • upload an image (not required but recommended)
  • set a price.
  • set the status - select if the product is active or disabled. Active means it can be purchased. disabled would create a placeholder, but it would be listed as currently unavailable.
  • set the order - by default the order field will say "0". The products will be arranged in categories alphabetically unless the order field is used to list them. 0 is at the top, larger numbers will sing to the bottom.

Save your settings at the bottom of the page.


Editing a Product Display

Edit the product display by going to the product page and clicking the edit tab.

You can find all your products listed in the content area when you filter for type = product display.

All published products will appear in the store/product catalog:  .../product-catalog


Removing a Product Display

If you want to temporarily stop selling an item in your store, but want to still list it in the catalog, edit the product display, then scroll to the section labeled "status" and set it to "disabled". Save the page.

If you wish to remove the product from the catalog, but keep it in the site for administrative use and record keeping, edit the product display, then scroll to the bottom and under "publishing options", uncheck "published". Save the page.

If you want to permanently remove the product form the site completely, edit the product display, scroll the the bottom of the page, and click "delete".