Basic and Featured Pages

This article refers to basic and featured pages - which are both content types within the public site. They are not available with only a members only website.


Basic pages

Basic pages are your standard website pages - they have a title, and a body text area. The body text area can be used for text and images, embedded videos, embedded audio players, etc.

Basic pages can be used for group information, sponsor information, links to important pages - whatever you choose. 

Using the settings options at the bottom, you can also create an "alias" for the page. This creates a page url that something other than a number. This works well for pages about certain types of information.

You can also add your page to the menu using the "menu" options. Select where you want it to exist in the main menu on your public site from the drop down list, or select <main menu> to have it be a top level item.

Scroll below for more info on adding, editing and deleting pages.


Featured pages

Featured pages are nearly identical to  basic pages, except they have a field for uploading an image that runs across the the top of the page. An image must be included.

Some themes use featured pages as sliders. When this is the case, you cannot have a featured page that is not included in the sliders. Glossy and Atlas are examples of themes that use featured pages as sliders.

Using the settings options at the bottom, you can also create an "alias" for the page. This creates a page url that something other than a number. This works well for pages about certain types of information.

You can also add your page to the menu using the "menu" options. Select where you want it to exist in the main menu on your public site from the drop down list, or select <main menu> to have it be a top level item.



Adding, editing and deleting pages

To add a page:
In the main menu (on the left hand side) you can search for "basic" or "featured" to find the add content links for theses items.  Or, go to: Settings & Admin > Add content > basic page   (or featured page).

To edit a page, navigate to the page (if you're not sure where to find it - go to the content page and filter for type = featured or basic), and click the edit tab. (pro tip: if you do not see an edit tab on the page, you either do not have the right permissions (site admin/content manager) or you are not looking at a basic or featured page - you may be looking at a bios or ensemble views page, and those are different)

To delete a page, edit the page (see above) and then scroll to the bottom and click "delete".

If you don't want to currently use a page, but may want to use it later - you can always edit the page, and under "publishing options" uncheck "published". This will keep the page in the system, but it will only be visible to site admins via the "content" page.