Gallery - Public Site Photo Gallery

The "Gallery" option is a space where you can add images to share with your fans. This gallery is designed to show promotional photos, rather than a large photo dump. For more social photos, we'd recommend using your Facebook page album options.


The Gallery Page

You gallery items are automatically displayed on the "gallery page".

It is located at your base url, then /gallery.



Add a Gallery

To add a gallery, go to the main admin menu (left hand side menu) and go to: Add content > Gallery

You will want to add a Title, and then you can skip down to the image field area, and upload your image.

If you wish to add more information about the photo, you can add it in the Body text area.

The order field allows you to configure the order in which your gallery items will appear.  0 is first. 10 (or higher) would be last.  By default, galleries display based on the alphabetical order of the title.

If you want to create an album style of photos, use your image field photo as your "cover photo", and then embed your other photo in the body text area using the image embed button.
This will take some skill working with image formatting to get them to display in an orderly format.

Generally, if you have a large number of photos you want to display in an album, we would recommend using a Facebook album, or use Picasa and embed the widget on the appropriate page.

Edit a Gallery

Navigate to the gallery you wish to edit. Click the edit tab just below the title.
Be sure to save any changes.


Delete a Gallery

First edit the gallery item. Scroll to the bottom of the edit page, and click the "delete" button.